Percentage calculator is your free online tool for you to calculate percentages.

Percentage of a number

What percentage of one number is another

What is the percentage increase/decrease from

Add a percentage to a number

Subtract a percentage from a number

Convert Fraction to Percent

Convert Decimal to Percent

Tips: Use the tab key to move to the next field and shift-tab to move to the previous field. Press the enter key to perform the calculation..

Our free online Percentage Calculator helps you quickly calculate percentages for a variety of purposes. Whether you're figuring out discounts, interest rates, or proportions, our tool is easy to use and accurate.

What is a Percentage?

A percentage is a way of expressing a number as a part of a whole, specifically out of 100. It is represented by the symbol "%". Percentages are a useful tool for comparing proportions and understanding ratios in a simple, standardized format.

Understanding Percentages:
  • Basic Definition: A percentage represents a fraction of 100. For example, 50% means 50 out of 100, or half.
  • Conversions: To convert a fraction or decimal to a percentage, multiply by 100. For instance, 0.75 becomes 75%.
  • Usage: Percentages are widely used in everyday life, including in financial calculations, statistics, shopping discounts, academic scores, and more.
  • 50%: This means half of a total amount.
  • 25%: This represents one-quarter of a total amount.
  • 100%: This signifies the entire amount.
  • 150%: This indicates one and a half times the total amount.

Percentages help simplify complex comparisons and are essential for clear and effective communication in various fields.

What is a Percentage Calculator?

A percentage calculator is a tool designed to perform calculations involving percentages quickly and accurately. It helps users determine various percentage-related values such as finding the percentage of a number, calculating percentage increase or decrease, and converting fractions or decimals to percentages. This tool is invaluable for simplifying mathematical tasks and is widely used in different fields such as finance, education, and retail.

Key Uses of a Percentage Calculator:
  • Finding a Percentage of a Number: Easily calculate what portion a specific number is of a whole.
    Example: What is 20% of 150?
  • Calculating Percentage Increase or Decrease: Determine how much a value has increased or decreased in percentage terms.
    Example: What is the percentage increase from 50 to 75?
  • Converting Fractions/Decimals to Percentages: Quickly convert a fraction or decimal value into a percentage.
    Example: Convert 0.8 to a percentage.
  • Determining Discount Amounts: Calculate discounts on products or services.
    Example: What is the sale price of a $200 item with a 15% discount?
Benefits of Using a Percentage Calculator:
  • Accuracy: Ensures precise results, eliminating manual calculation errors.
  • Speed: Saves time by providing instant results.
  • Convenience: Easy to use, often available online and accessible from any device.
  • Versatility: Applicable in various scenarios such as budgeting, shopping, academic work, and statistical analysis.

Percentage calculators are essential tools for anyone needing to perform percentage-based calculations efficiently and effectively.