Percentage Increase/Decrease

Calculating the percentage increase or decrease is a valuable skill for tracking changes in prices, profits, or any measurable quantities over time. With our Percentage Calculator, you can quickly and accurately compute percentage changes.

Percentage Increase/Decrease

Tips: Use tab to move to the next field. Use shift-tab to move to the previous field. Press enter to calculate.

How to Calculate Percentage Increase/Decrease Manually

  1. Determine the Original and New Values: Start with the original value and the new value.
    Example: Original Value = 100, New Value = 120
  2. Find the Difference Between the Values: Subtract the original value from the new value (or vice versa for a decrease).
    Formula: Difference = New Value - Original Value
    Example (Increase): 120 - 100 = 20
  3. Divide the Difference by the Original Value: Divide the calculated difference by the original value to find the proportion of change.
    Formula: Proportion = Difference ÷ Original Value
    Example: 20 ÷ 100 = 0.2
  4. Multiply by 100 to Get the Percentage: Multiply the proportion by 100 to convert it to a percentage.
    Formula: Percentage = Proportion × 100
    Example: 0.2 × 100 = 20%
  5. Label the Result as Increase or Decrease: If the new value is higher, it's a percentage increase; if lower, it's a percentage decrease.
    Example: 20% Increase

Using the Percentage Calculator

Why do it manually when you can do it faster? With our online Percentage Calculator, simply:

  • Enter the original and new values.
  • Click Calculate, and get your result instantly!

Real-Life Examples of Percentage Increase/Decrease

  1. Shopping: Calculating a price increase.
    Example: A product's price rises from 50 to 60. Percentage Increase
    ((60 - 50) ÷ 50) × 100 = 20%.
  2. Finance: Analyzing changes in stock prices.
    Example: A stock drops from 150 to 120. Percentage Decrease is
    ((150 - 120) ÷ 150) × 100 = 20%.
  3. Health: Tracking weight changes.
    Example: Weight increases from 70kg to 77kg. Percentage Increase is
    ((77 - 70) ÷ 70) × 100 = 10%.