Convert Fraction to Percent

Converting fractions to percentages is a useful skill for various applications, such as understanding proportions, solving math problems, or analyzing data. With our Percentage Calculator, you can perform this conversion in just a few clicks.

Convert Fraction to Percent

Tips: Use tab to move to the next field. Use shift-tab to move to the previous field. Press enter to calculate.

How to Convert a Fraction to a Percent Manually

  1. Identify the Fraction: Start with the fraction you want to convert to a percentage.
    Example: 3/4
  2. Divide the Numerator by the Denominator: Perform the division to find the decimal equivalent of the fraction.
    Formula: Numerator ÷ Denominator
    Example: 3 ÷ 4 = 0.75
  3. Multiply the Decimal by 100: Convert the decimal to a percentage by multiplying it by 100.
    Formula: Decimal × 100
    Example: 0.75 × 100 = 75%
  4. Write the Result with the Percent Symbol: Add the percent symbol (%) to the final result.
    Example: 75%

Using the Percentage Calculator

Why do it manually when you can do it faster? With our online Percentage Calculator, simply:

  • Enter the numerator and denominator of the fraction.
  • Click Calculate, and get your result instantly!

Real-Life Examples of Fraction to Percent Conversion

  1. Grading: Converting scores to percentages.
    Example: If you score 18 out of 20 on a test, the percentage is
    (18 ÷ 20) × 100 = 90%.
  2. Data Analysis: Understanding proportions in charts or graphs.
    Example: A survey shows that 1/5 of respondents prefer a specific brand. In percentage, this is (1 ÷ 5) × 100 = 20%.
  3. Cooking: Adjusting recipes using fractional quantities.
    Example: If a recipe requires 3/8 of a cup of sugar, the percentage is
    (3 ÷ 8) × 100 = 37.5%.